Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yes, I got a new companion!

Well this week lets just say has been a living nightmare. We had changes and I am still in Piribebuy but Elder Brown is now in Capiatan as a District Leader. My new comp is Elder Riveras from El Salvador. He doesn't speak any English and doesn't want to learn. Lets just say he's not the most obedient and I feel like I am a babysitter and the senior comp. Hobbies of Elder Rivera? Sitting outside on our porch in his garments during the day listening to his mp3 {50 cent} in front of everyone that walks by, sleeping for 3 hours after church while I study also sleeping in an extra hour, and taking food breaks about every 20 minutes. Fun week right? Not! Don't get me wrong he knows how to teach and he is a super funny guy but more then 95% of the time I want to .......{you can fill in the blank of cruel things I would like to do } Other then that I am doing great! I am just trying to stay positive and work like I always do and be a good example for him as much as I can the language with him isnt a problem just babysitting. What can you do? Anyway there is a lady in our ward that makes those lace things for tables or whatever what color? and how big do you want it to be? How many? Let me know next monday so I can tell her. Sounds like everything back at home is good and everyone is going great. Just about every utard knows BYU won pure luck haha. We had testimony meeting this Sunday which was pretty good and always funny Haha Talk to you next week Love you All Elder Burr Para seimpre dios este convos

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