Wednesday, September 16, 2009


What up fam greetings from Paraguay the land of no rules. how is everyone doing? I am doing great the comp is still a little grumpy especially right now because he wants to use computers together but we arent allowed so he's a little mad. You'd think he would know the rules after being out 1 year and 7 months. He lets me know everyday about how long I have before I go home its very uplifting. Whatever though its cool I am doing great so don't worry about anything I am just trying to be a good example. I talked with Pres. wade at zone conference and he said he put me with him for a reason I guess we will find out what that it is later in life? About the conference talks just magazines are great because I dont have anything to listen to it on so magazines are great. Also for christmas and everything just put money in my accounct so I can buy you guys stuff. This week was one of the funniest in my mission we took bikes all the way out to one of our areas Cordillera 2 hour bike ride. We are supposed to have another group of missionaries out here but its just us two. Anyway my tire ended up popping and Elder Riveras chain snapped and the member we went with rode a pink bike that said lady action hahaha it ended up being the best one! He would fly by me and say lady action haha good times. also this week I bought my temple clothes here we are going the end of this month I'm so excited! Oh ya and this week we are buying a rabbit from one of our members this next week and going to eat it with another family in our ward haha the rabbit is huge! Also if you can send me a calender for christmas that would be great because I dont have one. A crappy one is fine. Also today I bought a fanny pack haha yes thats right I'm bringing back the 90s its the new style in Paraguay. I put my camera in it and then put my shirt over it they say it is the most safe thing to do. Well gotta run im going to try and send a few pics. Love you all! keep smiling because thats all I can do! Para siempre dios este con vos! Elder Big Burr

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