Thursday, August 27, 2009

well ya gotta love writing bit long paragraphs and then having them disappear thats always fun. anyway changes are next week and i have a feeling elder brown is gone because he has 7 months in the che piribebuy. so that means ill be taking command ha. a little about cesar. his mom gives him 10 mil which is about 2 dollars u.s to last him for about 4 days. he doesnt go to school because he doesnt want to and all he does is watches tv and eats imponadas and cocacola ask rush what that is ha. his mom is a... let me think of a kind but harsh word shes more of a bruja. hes a good kid though. also this week while i was finishing up reading in the book of mormon and just about to say my prayers before i went to bed someone pounds on our door. i almost pee-d my pants. elder brown was out like a light so i grabbed our machety and opened the door to find a drunk looking for a girl named daisy. i almost chopped his head off. there are soooooo many drunks here its ridiculous i have no idea where they get the money because they dont work and they live in card board boxes. also this past week was childrens day so happy childrens day children. alos i cant remember if i said happy bday to you dad but i thought i did sorry im a terrible son if not happy birthday. onbe more story because my time is just about up. elder brown got brownies from his mom and i told him i knew how to make them so i made them and ended up burming the living day lights out of them i thoughjt i was pretty funny but i was the only one laughing. he forgave me after a few days ha just kidding he laughed to also his name is chase brown not jeff different missionary. the whole camera stuff dont worry about iv got two chips and piribebuy is a pretty safe town just alot of drunks. hope all is well im going to try and send pics for the millionth time. love you all! para siempre dios este con vos elder burr